The seed is the word of God. Even so, the seed is also the Lord Jesus Himself, the Word of God enfleshed. He came into the world, looking as insignificant and helpless as a tiny seed. Yet within Himself, He has the power to beat back Satan and his lies, overcome the world and its wicked ways, and break through our stone-cold hearts. He, alone, was trampled down, that He might raise us up. He, alone, can break up the rocks and stones that hinder our life in God. He, alone, is able to truly quell our fears and satisfy not merely our desires but, more importantly, our every need. He, alone, provides us with a life we can never live apart from Him, a life that far exceeds the here and now; He provides us with real and everlasting life.
Old Testament: Isaiah 55:10-13
Epistle: 2 Corinthians 11:19–12:9
Holy Gospel: Luke 8:4-15