Beloved, your alleluias have returned because Jesus of Nazareth, He who was crucified, is risen! He is not there in the tomb; He is, however, here, here for you in Word and Sacrament, alive and breathing, enlightening you through forgiveness. For while the tomb no longer bears His Body, the altar does. He bids you to come and receive His very Elements by which He purchased and won you from sin and death; He bids you to partake of His very Body and Blood, whereby He dispenses the benefits of His suffering, death, and glorious resurrection, namely, the forgiveness of sins, everlasting salvation, and eternal life. Come, therefore; take and eat, take and drink. And let your alleluias resound from now unto all eternity, for Christ is risen! He is risen indeed! Alleluia!
Old Testament: Job 19:23-27
Epistle: 1 Corinthians 5:6-8
Holy Gospel: Mark 16:1-8