God doesn’t deal with sin, death, or evil as you’d expect. You expect a God, like Santa, rewarding the nice and not the naughty. Yet your experiences show that nice or naughty doesn’t matter when it come to the miseries of this world; worse, sometimes the naughty get away with murder, while the nice are wronged time and again. Original sin, the sin from the beginning, brought a depravity upon all mankind, a depravity you feel and experience througout your life, even though it doesn’t often seem to faze you. After all, do you not often think that you’re not as bad as the Holy Scriptures teach, certainly not as bad as others you’ve heard of or observed? “There’s always someone worse out there,” you think, which is why you expect the truly naughty to be punished and the nice—or, at least, the not-so-naughty—to be rewarded. Yet God doesn’t deal with sin or with sinners as you expect. He deals with it and with you in much the same way as He did when He created the world in the first place: with His Word. The Word became flesh. That’s how God deals with your sin and this sinful world: He sends His Son, wrapped in human flesh and born of a woman. The Word became flesh to suffer upon the Cross for sinners; the Word became flesh, was born, lived, died, and rose for you.
Old Testament: Exodus 40:17-21, 34-38
Epistle: Titus 3:4-7
Holy Gospel: John 1:1-18
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