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Sermon for Quinquagesima, 2024

Jesus sets His face towards Jerusalem, and it seems that nothing will stop Him. Yet, on the outskirts of Jericho, He pauses. Why? Love, Beloved; love brings Him to a halt to heal blind Bartimaeus. Indeed, His love, not only for him but also for the Disciples and for you, is what spurs Jesus on His relentless journey to the Cross. Therefore, Beloved, behold; see: Jesus’ purpose in stopping is the same purpose that has Him on the road to Jerusalem in the first place: on the outskirts of Jericho, by opening the eyes of blind Bartimaeus, Jesus undoes one aspect of those wages of sin; so also, on the outskirts of Jerusalem, in dying upon the Cross, Jesus pays the wages of sin for all mankind, bringing to an end the power that sin and death once had over you. Beloved, Jesus goes to Jerusalem on your behalf: to satisfy the Father’s wrath, pay your ransom, defeat death, and arise victorious. Hear His Word and be healed again; receive your sight. God be praised! Like Bartimaeus, your faith in Christ Jesus saves you.




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