Beloved, Christ Jesus is not some cold or impersonal God; He’s a loving and compassionate Saviour. When He tests you, He’s exercising you, training you, honing you; He’s teaching you; He’s bringing you along. He won’t leave you in the wilderness with nothing to eat; He won’t do that. He wouldn’t dream of doing that. He loves you. Nor will He ever leave you. This is the joyous message of Laetare Sunday: Christ Jesus will never leave you. You may be confident that no matter what perils you find yourself in, no matter what storms may come in your sea, no matter what troubles beset you, even when you’re afraid or terrified, and even though you are and even though you fail, even so, He will not leave you. You have His Word and Testament on it; through them, He will continue to work confidence within you so that you may learn, all the more, that He will never leave you.
Old Testament: Exodus 16:2-21
Epistle: Galatians 4:21-31
Holy Gospel: John 6:1-15